Nathan Dawe Lighter (feat KSI)

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Lighter (feat KSI)Nathan Dawe

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Nathan Dawe Lighter (feat KSI) I testi

I used to think I couldn't be without you, be without you
Now that you're gone, I feel happy as hell (KSI, Nathan Dawe, ah)
When you said it was over
I knew I'd fallen too deep
You made my world feel perfect
Then pulled it from under my feet
I cried for a minute
For a while, I was tryin' to figure out what went wrong, yeah
Now I finally get it
And I see I don't need you to be here, I'm movin' on
I used to think I couldn't be without you, be without you
Now that you're gone, I feel happy as hell
Weight off of me, I can breathe without you, breathe without you
Now that you're gone I feel lighter
I used to think I couldn't be without you, be without you
Now that you're gone I feel happy as hell
Weight off of me, I can breathe without you, breathe without you…


nathan dawe lighter feat ksi
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