Murad Demir feat Erdem Altinses-Rez

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feat Erdem Altinses-RezMurad Demir

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Murad Demir feat Erdem Altinses-Rez I testi

Hay hay çûm nav rezê babê te
Min du gul jêve kirin
Hay hay şewteka mezin rabû
Kelek û gemî birin
Hay hay berê min ma l’ rêka te
Eşqa te ez dîn kirim

Hay hay çûm nav rezê babê te
Min du gul jê bizdandin
Hay hay şewteka mezin rabû
Kelek û gemî ş’kandin
Hay hay da b’gehîne miradê
Hêvî (û) di’a me xwandin

Hay hay deriyê mala b’ rihan e
Pişta mala rihan e
Hay hay rihana kate dane
Eşqa me ya giran e

Hay hay bo min reşe-rinan î
Pîroz bî bo vî canî

Hay hay I went to your father garden
I picked up two roses
Hay hay there was a big river flood took away all the boats and ships
Hay hay I am looking forward to see you
Your love makes me crazy
Hayhay I went to your father garden
I picked up two roses
Hay hay there was a big river flood broke all the boats and ships
Hay hay we prayed and hoped in order to make our wish come true
Hay hay there are basils in front of the house
There are basils behind the house
Hay hay the basil has just come into bloom
Our love is great
Hay hay you are like the black basil
You make me feel good

Erbane: Betül Yıldırım
Askı Davul: Tahsin Ecer
Tembur: Xelef Diljan
Keman: Erdem Altınses
Çello: Ruşen Arslanargun
Bass darbuka: Dilan Yeşilyaprak
Djembe: Şahan Yegül
Lavta: Aram Savaş Han
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