Modern Talking Youre My Heart Youre My Soul

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Youre My Heart Youre My SoulModern Talking

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Tempo: 03:23 Dimensioni:: 3.11 Mb Download: 48 Viste: 19


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Modern Talking Youre My Heart Youre My Soul I testi

97.8 On your FM dial, you're listening to the funkiest station

In the nation and today we're just Modern Talking

Here's the number one track for the love of my life

Everything I sacrifice just to make her my wife

You kick me hot like fire, never cold like ice

I'll pay any price 'cause she's just that nice

Every line of my rhyme is dedicated to you

And I'll always be true, never will you be blue

You're the best for me, I'll love you till I grow old

Worth more than gold 'cause you're my heart and soul

You're my heart, you're my soul

I keep it shining everywhere I go

You're my heart, you're my soul

I'll be holding you forever

Stay with you together

You're my heart, you're my soul

Yeah, a feeling that our love will grow

You're my heart, you're my soul

That's the only thing I really know

My heart and soul

I can imagine I was stranded on an island with her

And not a soul in the world knew where we were

I visualize and hypnotize, lost in your fur

And I love you more than anything on this earth

Give up the fortune and fame, commence to living alone

Home alone, don't ever answer the phone

But every breath I take make the truth unfold

Let the whole world behold you're my heart, you're my soul

You're my heart, you're my soul

I keep it shining everywhere I go

You're my heart, you're my soul

I'll be holding you forever

Stay with you together

You're my heart, you're my soul

Yeah, a feeling that our love will grow

You're my heart, you're my soul

That's the only thing I really know
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