MFO Didai Didai Dai

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Didai Didai DaiMFO

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Tempo: 02:56 Dimensioni:: 2.71 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 12



MFO Didai Didai Dai I testi

If i had a million songs than

I sing them for you

If i had a world to offerI give it to you

If i had a magic carpet

We go for a ride

Wouldn't care where it would lead us

With you at my side

Ooo didai didai dai

Ooo didai didai dai

When love comes knocking

At my door

You better be ready for it

You better be shure

You get what you wanted or even some more

You better be ready for it

You better be sure

Ooo didai didai dai

Ooo didai didai dai

All these years i've been searching

Till the day that i met you

I never found the only answer

It's the love i feel for you

Ooo didai didai dai

Ooo didai didai dai

If i had a million songs than

I sing them for you

If i had a world to offer

I give it to you

If my love is what you wanted

I'm ready for you

Ooo dai didai dai


mfo didai didai dai
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