Melanie Martinez Gingerbread Man

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Gingerbread ManMelanie Martinez

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Melanie Martinez Gingerbread Man I testi

I'm frosting
I don't need a man to make my life sweet
Prince Charming
Just isn't the one that I think I need
You're thirsty
You think I give out all my shit for free?
I'm bursting
Out laughing at idiocy
I need a gingerbread man, the one I'll feed
The gingerbread man, the one I'll eat
One who's always crazy
Never calls me, baby
That's the one that I want
All you boys are not him
Can't you see?
I only want the ones who never see me
But I'm happy
I love playing these games until my heart bleeds
It bleeds jelly
'Cause you don't want someone to eat your cookie
Can someone please?
Find him for me, find him for me?
I need a gingerbread man, the one I'll feed
The gingerbread man, the one I'll eat
One who's always crazy
Never calls me, baby
That's the one that I want
And all you boys are not him
I'm the icing covering his body
I wanna hold him so close, so tightly
Baby, how do I say this politely?
Love me hard and don't be nice, please
I wanna feel your crumbs on my body
I wanna break you in pieces like me
Baby, don't be so scared of biting
Wanna eat each other into nothing
I need a gingerbread man, the one I'll feed
The gingerbread man, the one I'll eat
One who's always crazy
Never calls me, baby
That's the one that I want
And all you boys are not him
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