Maya Diab Doub

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DoubMaya Diab

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Maya Diab Doub I testi

İngilizce Çevirisi


Without thinking

You don't need to explain our love

Which words can say

Only your adorable eyes say the truth


We love each other and you go away

In dreams I try to attract you and you leave

There are no restrictions in love

Oh,I have boarders but I allow you to enter

And I swear you

I will not live but only with you

We must walk another path

And because of your eyes, baby,

I will do the impossible


Without caring

The tomorrow will be different and yesterday have already passed

We don't live many times, just once, and we melt for each other

So let's melt tin love together and forever

I live , I live only with you

We are one together

I know you are scared

But I assure you that living our love

You will not feel scared or other bad feelings.


maya diab doub
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