Markus Schulz feat Liz Primo-Blown Away

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feat Liz Primo-Blown AwayMarkus Schulz

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Markus Schulz feat Liz Primo-Blown Away I testi

Face down in the mirror
Midnight mascara, down her eye
Got a new obsession, perfect life
My heart goes boom just a little bit
Can't help me now, oh, oh
No turning around, oh, oh
Blown away, blown away
Every time I just fall back in
I'm blown away
blown away, blown away
hold me down just to keep me from running
Gloss and glitter
Electric lights
Got a new obsession
Cherry Pie
Nothing even matters
Why you're so surprise
My heart goes boom just a little bit
Can't help me now, oh, oh
No turning around, oh, oh
Blown away, blown away
Every time I just fall back in
I'm blown away
Blown away, blown away
Hold me down just to keep me from running
Hold me down just to keep me from running
Hold me down just to keep me from running
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