Mark Ronson feat Angel Olsen-True Blue

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feat Angel Olsen-True BlueMark Ronson

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Tempo: 06:26 Dimensioni:: 5.91 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 22


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Mark Ronson feat Angel Olsen-True Blue I testi

We were alone, we were to blame
Alive with the same blood in our veins
I never thought to find a way here
Well, you can't plan for this one, it's nothing compared
To the fate of the thing searching forward to me
All the world to be seen as it's all passing by
Fucking around, I'm falling in love
Saying goodbye 'cause you're giving it up
All that you were, all that you lost
Who ever thought it came with a cost?
I ran to you, I ran to you
I ran to you and you know why
I ran to you, I ran to you
I ran to you and you know why
Love the way you read my eyes
I love the way you read my eyes
To the fate of the thing searchin' forward to me
When it's finally seen all the love in your eyes
Well, I should've known it, how the world disappeared
When you came around, when you came around
When you came around
When you came around, you came around
Fucking around, I'm falling in love
Saying goodbye 'cause you're giving it up
All that you were, all that you lost
Who ever thought it came with a cost?
I ran to you, I ran to you
I ran to you and you know why
I ran to you, I ran to you
I ran to you and you know why
Love the way you read my eyes
I love the way you read my eyes
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh
Ooh, ah, ah, ah
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh
Ooh, ah, ah, ah
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh
Ooh, ah, ah, ah
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh
Ooh, ah, ah, ah
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