Maneskin Beggin

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Tempo: 03:30 Dimensioni:: 3.23 Mb Download: 9 Viste: 174


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Maneskin Beggin I testi

Put your loving hand out, baby
'Cause I'm beggin'
I'm beggin', beggin' you
So put your loving hand out baby
I'm beggin', beggin' you
So put your loving hand out darlin'
Ridin' high, when I was king
I played it hard and fast, 'cause I had everything
I walked away, but you warned me then
But easy come and easy go
And it would end
So, any time I need ya, let me go
Yah, any time I feed you, get me? No
Any time I see you, let me know
But I planted that seed, just let me grow
I'm on my knees while I'm beggin'
'Cause I don't want to lose you
Hey yeah, ratatata
I'm beggin', beggin' you
And put your loving hand out baby
I'm beggin', beggin' you
And put your loving hand out darlin'
I need you to understand
Tried so hard to be your man
The kind of man you want in the end


maneskin beggin
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