Maher Zain Assalamu Alayka

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Assalamu AlaykaMaher Zain

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Tempo: 05:13 Dimensioni:: 4.79 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 6


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Maher Zain Assalamu Alayka I testi

Maher Zain - Assalamu Alayka Sözleri

My heart is so full of longing

I wish to be close to my Beloved

I dream to walk in the streets of Medina

And to quench the thirst of my spirit

By visiting you, O Muhammad!


Assalamu alayka ya

Ya Rasool Allah

Assalamu alayka ya habibi

Ya Nabiyya Allah

Assalamu alayka ya

Ya Rasool Allah

Assalamu alayka ya habibi

Ya Nabiyya Allah, ya Rasool Allah

(May salutations be sent upon you

O Messenger of Allah

May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved

O Prophet of Allah

May salutations be sent upon you

O Messenger of Allah

May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved

O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah)

I left all my troubles and worries

As I entered your Mosque so gently

And as I finally stood there before you

I couldn’t stop my tears from falling

In your presence O Muhammad!


O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed

Indeed it brought life back to my spirit

I’ve left my heart with my Beloved

Sending blessings on Muhammad



maher zain assalamu alayka
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