Luke Bryan I Dont Want This Night To End

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I Dont Want This Night To EndLuke Bryan

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Tempo: 03:35 Dimensioni:: 3.30 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 7


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Luke Bryan I Dont Want This Night To End I testi

Girl, I know I don't know you
But your pretty little eyes so blue
Are pulling me in like the moon on your skin
I'm so glad you trusted me, this light up on this dusty sea
And let your hair down, and get outta town
Got the stars comin' out
Over my hood
And all I know now
Is it's going good
You got your hands up
You're rocking in my truck
You got the radio on
You're singing every song
I'm set on cruise control
I'm slowing losing hold of everything I got
You're looking so damn hot
And I don't know what road we're on
Or where we've been from starin' at you
Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end
Gonna cuss the morning
When it comes
'Cause I know that the rising sun
Ain't no good for me
'Cause you'll have to leave
Gonna make the most of every mile
Do anything to make your smile
Land on my lips
And get drunk on your kiss
The clock on the dash
Says 3:35
There's plenty of gas
And the night's still alive
You got your hands up
You're rocking in my truck
You got the radio on
You're singing every song
I'm set on cruise control
I'm slowing losing hold of everything I got
You're looking so damn hot
And I don't know what road we're on
Or where we've been from starin' at you
Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end
You got your hands up
You're rocking in my truck
You got the radio on
You're singing every song
I'm set on cruise control
I'm slowing losing hold of everything I've got
You're looking so damn hot
And I don't know what road we're on
Or where we've been from starin' at you
Girl, all I know is I don't want this night to end
I don't want this night to end
No I don't want this night to end
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