LP Tokyo Sunrise

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Tempo: 04:24 Dimensioni:: 4.05 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 54


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LP Tokyo Sunrise I testi

Said a lot of words along the way
I meant them all while we reigned
But shores of love get beaten by the waves
and after it was done I wish I'd saved time
One less spark from a flame
One more heart beat away
I think I lost your scent after the rain
I'll find you when our paths cross by the gold mines
Ooh ooh ooh
Where you gonna go
Where you gonna go
I can't tell you that
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah
Some day in the sky we'll see the same sun on the rise yeah
Wherever you go
Far as Tokyo
I can say
I'll see you again
I'll see you again
I'll see you again
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Aching with a debt never paid
Horses broken and splayed
Breathing half a breath since you're away
But while your blood is warm I'll keep the home fires
Ooh ooh ooh
Where you gonna go
Where you gonna go
I can't tell you that
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah
Some day in the sky we'll see the same sun on the rise yeah
Wherever you go
Far as Tokyo
I can say
I'll see you again
I'll see you again
I'll see you again
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
My love is never gone away
It's gonna come around someday
My love is never gone away
It's gonna come around someday
I'll see you again
I'll see you again


tokyo sunrise
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