Lil Nas X Panini

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Lil Nas X Panini I testi

D-D-Daytrip took it to ten (hey)

Ayy, Panini, don't you be a meanieThought you wanted me to go up

Why you tryna keep me teeny? I

It's a dream, he wished it on a genie

I got fans finally, ain't you wanting them to see me? I

I thought you want this for my life, for my life

Said you wanted to see me thrive, you lied

Just say to me what you want from me

Just say to me what you want from me

Ayy, Panini, don't you be a meanie

Thought you wanted me to go up

Why you tryna keep me teeny now?

Now they need me, number one on streaming

Oh yeah, you used to love me

So what happened, what's the meaning? I

I thought you want this for my life, for my life

Said you wanted to see me thrive, you lied

Now when it's all done, I get the upper hand

I need a big Benz, not another fan

But I still want you as a fan

I'ma need to sit down, don't mean to make demands

But I need you to...

Say to me what you want from me

Just say to me what you want from me

D-D-Daytrip took it to ten (hey)


lil nas panini
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