Lauv Enemies

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Lauv Enemies I testi

I thought we said we're good
Was I misunderstood?
You lookin' at me so cold
After all that we've been through
How could you pretend?
I'm someone that you don't know
I'm so sick of planning all my nights, nights
'Round avoiding you it's gotta end
We don't have to love again or try, try
But can you tell me
Ooh why do we, we have to be
Enemies, enemies?
Forget all the scars
All that they are
Memories, memories
Oh oh I know it hurts 'cause I feel it too
But after all, all that we been through, yeah
Ooh why do we, we have to be
Enemies, enemies?
You see me walking towards
You're headed for the door
Why is your shoulder so cold?
I know it's hard to speak
With all our history
But that don't mean you should go
I'm so sick of planning all my nights, nights
'Round avoiding you it's gotta end
We don't have to love again or try, try
But can you tell me
Ooh why do we, we have to be
Enemies, enemies?
Forget all the scars
All that they are
Memories, memories
Oh oh I know it hurts 'cause I feel it too
But after all that we've been through
Ooh why do we, we have to be
enemies, enemies?
Oh tell me why did, why did we
Throw away the love we had?
And tell me why do, why do we
Love to make it hurt so bad
Yeah I know that we can't be friends
But after all the things we been
Ooh why do we, we have to be
Ooh why do we, we have to be
Enemies, enemies?
Forget all the scars
All that they are
Memories, memories
Oh oh I know it hurts 'cause I feel it too
But after all, all that we been through, yeah
Ooh why do we, we have to be
Enemies, enemies?


lauv enemies
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