Lauren Daigle Come Alive

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Come AliveLauren Daigle

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Tempo: 03:52 Dimensioni:: 3.57 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 46


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Lauren Daigle Come Alive I testi

Through the eyes of men, it seems there's so much we have lost
As we look down the road where all the prodigals have walked
One by one, the enemy has whispered lies
And led them off as slaves
But we know that You are God, Yours is the victory
We know there is more to come
That we may not yet see
So with the faith You've given us
We'll step into the valley unafraid, yeah
As we call out to dry bones, come alive, come alive
We call out to dead hearts, come alive, come alive
Up out of the ashes, let us see an army rise
We call out to dry bones, come alive
God of endless mercy, god of unrelenting love
Rescue every daughter, bring us back the wayward son
And by Your spirit, breathe upon them, show the world that You alone can save
You alone can save


lauren daigle come alive
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