Lana Del Rey Radio

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Lana Del Rey Radio I testi

Not even they can stop me now
Boy, I’ll be flying overhead
Their heavy words can’t bring me down
Boy I've been raised from the dead
No one even knows how hard life was
I don't even think about it now because
I've finally found you
Oh, sing it to me
Now my life is sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in
Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Pick me up and take me like a vitamin
'Cause my body's sweet like sugar venom oh yeah
Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
American dreams came true somehow
I swore I'd chase until I was dead
I heard the streets were paved with gold
That's what my father said
No one even knows what life was like
Now I'm in LA and it's paradise
I've finally found you
Oh, sing it to me
Now my life is sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in
Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Pick me up and take me like a vitamin
'Cause my body's sweet like sugar venom oh yeah
Baby love me 'cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in
Baby love me 'cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in
I've finally found you
(Oh, sing it to me)
Now my life is sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in
Baby love me 'cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Pick me up and take me like a vitamin
'Cause my body's sweet like sugar venom oh yeah
Baby love me 'cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Oh, sing it to me
Now my life is sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in
Baby love me 'cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)
Pick me up and take me like a vitamin
'Cause my body's sweet like sugar venom oh yeah
Baby love me 'cause I'm playing on the radio
(How do you like me now?)


lana del rey radio
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