Lana Del Rey Million Dollar Man

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Million Dollar ManLana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey Million Dollar Man I testi

Lana Del Rey - Million Dollar Man Sözleri

You said I was the most exotic flower

Holding me tight in our final hour

I don't know how you convince them and get them, boy

I don't know what you do

It's unbelievable

And I don't know how you get over, get over

Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you

One for the money

Two for the show

I love you honey

I'm ready, I'm ready to go

How did you get that way?

I don't know

You're screwed up and brilliant

You look like a million dollar man

So why is my heart broke?

You've got the world

But baby, at what price?

Something so strange

Hard to define

It isn't that hard boy

To like you or love you

I'd follow you down, down, down

You're unbelievable


lana del rey million dollar man
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