Lana Del Rey 24

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24Lana Del Rey

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Lana Del Rey 24 I testi

Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me
Why work so hard when you could just be free?
You got your moment now, you got your legacy
Let's leave the world for the ones who change everything
Nothing could stop the two of us
Let's just get lost, that's what we want
And I will never sing again
And you won't work another day
I will never sing again
With just one wave it goes away
It will be our swan song
It will be our swan song
Be our swan song
It will be our swan song
Dive in, dive deep in dark blue suede
Rushing up from the water where the ice meets
And you've been gone so long, you missed everything
The world can change in a day if you go away, but
Nothing could stop the two of us
If that's what we want, we could just get lost
And I will never sing again
And you won't work another day
I will never sing again
With just one wave it goes away
It will be our swan song
It will be our swan song
Be our swan song
It will be our swan song
Live your life
Live your life, where you've been
Where you're going to
(Going to)
Say good night
Say good night to the life in the world we live
I'm going to follow you
And I will never sing again
And you won't work another day
And I will never sing again
You won't work another day
It will be our swan song
It will be our swan song
Be our swan song
It will be our swan song
Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me
Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me
Put your white tennis shoes on and follow me
Why you work so hard when you could just be free?


lana del rey
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