Katy Perry Bigger Than Me

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Bigger Than MeKaty Perry

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Katy Perry Bigger Than Me I testi

Katy Bigger Than Me Şarkı Sözleri
I can see it happening
Happen, I can see it happening
I can see it happening
Happen, I can see it
Can't go with the flow, got to make waves
Even though I look at the sand, and I'm just one grain
But my intuition says there's a bigger mission I must embrace
So I'm, I'm pushing my thoughts to a new place 
I'm kicking and screaming
'Cause it won't be easy to break all the patterns
If I'm not evolving, I'm just another robot taking up oxygen
It's something bigger than me
I can feel it beginning
Something bigger than me
Yeah, I can feel it opening
Tried to ignore it, but it keeps on growing out of control
It's something bigger than me
And I can feel it happening
So I'll speak my truth though my voice shakes
(I must) try to summon the strength to look fear in the face
But I'm kicking and screaming
'Cause it won't be easy to break all the patterns
If I'm not evolving, I'm just another robot taking up oxygen
It's something bigger than me
I can feel it beginning
Something bigger than me
Yeah, I can feel it opening
Tried to ignore it, but it keeps on growing out of control
It's something bigger than me
And I can feel it happening 
Happening (oh-ah, oh-ah, oh-ah)
I can see it happening
Happen, I can see it happening (oh-ah, oh-ah, oh-ah)
I can see it happen
I can see it, I can see it, I can see it happening
It's something bigger than me
Something bigger than me
Yeah, I can feel it opening
Tried to ignore it, but it keeps on growing out of control (out of control)
It's something bigger than me
And I can feel it happening
Happening (I can feel it)
Happen, (I can see it) I can see it happening
(I can feel it) Happen, I can see it


katy perry bigger than
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