Kane Brown Lose It

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Lose ItKane Brown

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Tempo: 03:05 Dimensioni:: 2.85 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 4



Kane Brown Lose It I testi

That little ringing buzzing good-for-nothin' phone in your hands
The directions to the party
That's just started with that cover band
That old school radio station
Let's just drive until it's faded
Girl, let's lose it, tonight
'Cause when you do that thing right there
Flipping your hair, baby, I swear
I don't think you know what you're doing to me
You got my heart skip-skipping a beat
You're not close enough so that space between
You and me, let's lose it
The way you're dancing, swaying to the music
Girl, that body and how you move it
Every time you cross my mind
Girl, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Let's start with them Luke Caseys
Baby, kick 'em to the floorboard
And bobby pins holding your hair up
Girl, you don't need 'em no more
That dress hanging off your shoulder
As you move a little closer
Yeah, let's lose it tonight, yeah, girl
I don't think you know what you're doing to me
You got my heart skip-skipping a beat
You're not close enough so that space between
You and me, let's lose it
The way you're dancing, swaying to the music
Girl, that body and how you move it
Every time you cross my mind
Girl, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
'Cause when you do that thing right there
Flipping your hair, baby, I swear
I don't think you know what you're doing to me
You got my heart skip-skipping a beat
You're not close enough so that space between
You and me, let's lose it
The way you're dancing, swaying to the music
Girl, that body and how you move it
Every time you cross my mind
Girl, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it
Girl, I lose it
Yeah, I lose it


kane brown lose
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