Kane Brown Homesick

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HomesickKane Brown

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Tempo: 03:27 Dimensioni:: 3.18 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 9


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Kane Brown Homesick I testi

Dancing in the kitchen
You singing my favorite songs
Swinging on the front porch
Just laughing at the dogs
Now you swear you love me more
When you're whispering goodnight
All those little moments
Are every reason why I'm homesick
This feeling that I'm feeling
No it don't quit
It's like half of me is missing
Heaven knows it
That all I wanna do is
Be alone with
Your brown eyes all tangled up
Just holding, onto you tonight until morning
Baby that's the damn truth
If home is where the heart is
I'm homesick for you
Well it says Kane Brown on a sign with a line out the door
Sold out some little town I've never been before
Yeah they're screaming my name
This is what we dreamed about
But out here singing 'bout you baby
All I'm think 'bout is how I'm homesick
This feeling that I'm feeling
No it don't quit
It's like half of me is missing
Heaven knows it
That all I wanna do is
Be alone with
Your brown eyes all tangled up
Just holding, onto you tonight until morning
Baby that's the damn truth
If home is where the heart is
I'm homesick for you
Homesick for you
I'm homesick
This feeling that I'm feeling
No it don't quit
It's like half of me is missing
Heaven knows it
That all I wanna do is
Be alone with
Your brown eyes all tangled up
Just holding, onto you tonight until morning
Baby that's the damn truth
If home is where the heart is
I'm homesick for you
I'm homesick for you
Yeah yeah


kane brown homesick
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