John Newman Out Of My Head

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Out Of My HeadJohn Newman

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Tempo: 03:37 Dimensioni:: 3.33 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 17


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John Newman Out Of My Head I testi

Living in a broken home alone
16 weeks since you've been gone
As time goes by there's no pieces left
No memories of you & me
To shut out feeling lonely; I get out of my head
Lost everything around me
Not dealing with it well
To shut out feeling lonely; I get out of my head
Why would you want to love somebody when love hurts in the end?
Free to see the world now as my own
Sleep with any woman that I want
But anytime anyone gets close
Breaks through my mind, what I have lost
To shut out feeling lonely; I get out of my head
Lost everything around me
Not dealing with it well
To shut out feeling lonely; I get out of my head
Why would you want to love somebody when love hurts in the end?
You called to say you're missing me, but never ask how I feel
I'm beaten, I'm broke
I'm out of my mind, but learning to get on by fine
To shut out being lonely; I get out of my head
Lost everything around me
Not dealing with it well
To shut out being lonely; I get out of my head
Why would you want to love somebody when love hurts in the end?


john newman out head
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