Joel Corry Lonely

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LonelyJoel Corry

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Joel Corry Lonely I testi

L-l-l-l-lonely, l-l-l-l-lonely
L-l-l-l-lonely now
You were the one who said it's over
Now you wanna come back
So take your hand off my shoulder
This time it's not like that, 'cause I know where your heart's at
I know you like to be alone, but hate being lonely
When you see me doing well, that's when you call me
Now I'm doing fine, don't need you in my life
I guess you're missing me now
Just because you're lonely, doesn't mean we go back to the start
Just because you're lonely, don't mean that you can play with my heart
Who do you think you are?
Just because you're lonely, doesn't mean we go back to the start
Just because you're lonely, don't mean that you can play with my heart
Who do you think you are?
You say you've changed and you're different
But I don't wanna hear that
Your friends are saying that you miss me
But I don't really know that, 'cause I know where your heart's at
I know you like to be alone, but hate being lonely
When you see me doing well, that's when you call me
Now I'm doing fine, don't need you in my life
I guess you're missing me now
Just because you're lonely, doesn't mean we go back to the start
Just because you're lonely, don't mean that you can play with my heart
Who do you think you are?
L-l-l-l-lonely, l-l-l-l-lonely
L-l-l-l-lonely now
L-l-l-l-lonely, l-l-l-l-lonely
L-l-l-l-lonely now
You don't have to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie
You can speak your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
You don't have to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie
You could've been mine, mine, mine, mine, mine
Just because you're lonely, doesn't mean we go back to the start
Just because you're lonely, don't mean that you can play with my heart
Who do you think you are?
L-l-l-l-lonely, l-l-l-l-lonely
L-l-l-l-lonely now
L-l-l-l-lonely, l-l-l-l-lonely
L-l-l-l-lonely now
Just because you're lonely


joel corry lonely
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