James Blunt I Told You

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I Told YouJames Blunt

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James Blunt I Told You I testi

Staring at you naked
Hotel room in Vegas
I love you but I hate it
And we can't tell anyone
Take this love and break it
I don't think I can take it
Go back to him and fake it
Don't tell him what you've done
But when we're caught in this feeling
And I taste your love, and I taste your love
Whatever the meaning
Well it's not enough, no it's not enough
I want to believe in
In a thing call love, in a thing call love
Caught in this feeling
In this feeling, in this feeling
Don't give me those eyes 'cause you know me and I can't say no to you
We can't have each other even if we wanted to
In another life, darling, I'll do anything to be with you
We can't have each other even if we wanted to
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Cross your heart and square it
Hotel room in Paris
Kills me that you're married
'Cause we know that should be done
But when we're caught in this feeling
And I taste your love, and I taste your love
Whatever the meaning
Well it's not enough, no it's not enough
I want to believe in
In a thing call love, in a thing call love
Caught in this feeling
In this feeling, in this feeling
Don't give me those eyes 'cause you know me and I can't say no to you
We can't have each other even if we wanted to
In another life, darling, I'll do anything to be with you
We can't have each other even if we wanted to
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Don't give me those eyes 'cause you know me and I can't say no to you
We can't have each other even if we wanted to (don't give me those eyes)
In another life, darling, I'll do anything to be with you (don't give me those eyes)
We can't have each other even if we wanted to
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Don't give me those eyes, don't give me those eyes
Staring at you naked
Hotel room in Vegas
I love you but I hate it


james blunt told you
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