Inna Te Vas

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Tempo: 03:39 Dimensioni:: 3.37 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 145

Inna - Te Vas - Videoclip

Tempo: 03:39 Dimensioni: 24.49 Mb Formato: .mp4 Download: 0 Viste: 145


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Inna Te Vas I testi

And Although This Time It Ends Here
You Will Not Forget Me Soon
You Do Not Know That This Destination Is
That One Day You Return To My Life
And You Go, You Go, You Go
Mm Mm Mm
You Go
That If You Go And I Leave (Mm Mm Mm)
You Will Not Find What You And I Had
Y Aunque Tú Te Vas Y Yo Me Voy (Mm Mm Mm)
That Feeling Does Not Lie
Although The Weather Continues Apa 'Alante
And You Go, You Go, You Go, My Soul
That You Do Not Owe Me '
And You Leave, You Leave, You Leave (And You Leave)
One Day You Come Back To My Life
You Go
You Go
Whatever Happens, I Know How You Feel
You Because I Also Feel Sorry For You
I Think Nothing Is Going Well, I Do Not Know What I'm Going To Do
You Leave And, And I Stay
And You Go, You Go, You Go (My Soul)
That You Do Not Owe Me '
And You Leave, You Leave, You Leave (And You Leave)
One Day You Come Back To My Life
You Go
You Go
I Do Not Know What Destiny Has For You
But He's Leaving, Friend She's Leaving
I Know He Always Wants To Continue Pa 'Alante'
Let's Go There, So Let's Go There
And You Go, You Go, You Go (My Soul)
That You Do Not Owe Me '
And You Leave, You Leave, You Leave (And You Leave)
One Day You Come Back To My Life
You Go
You Go


inna vas
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