IC3PEAK Marching

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Tempo: 02:25 Dimensioni:: 2.24 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 81


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IC3PEAK Marching I testi

La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la

Your face is exactly the same
And there is this same building in every city
Instead of garlands, there are barbed wires
And there is no horizon behind the fences
The windows are clogged, and I’m in two hoodies
Who is it out there besides the cold?
A tank, parked right outside the gates
It’s not shooting, standing here for show off

I’m like an alien in my own family
But I’m not afraid and I’m not lying to myself
My body is in scars, and my hand in dirt
I’m searching for my home and my roots, just like you
I’m like an alien in my own family
But I’m not afraid and I’m not lying to myself
My heart is chipped, and there’s a yearning in my eyes
I will never turn back here
The air around is getting heavier with every year
I don’t want to be killing people
They come into my house without invitation
A new word and a new law

La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la
La la-la-la la la
La la-la-la la la la

Your face is exactly the same
And there is this same building in every city
Instead of garlands, there are barbed wires
And there is no horizon behind the fences
The windows are clogged, and I’m in two hoodies
Who is it out there besides the cold?
A tank, parked right outside the gates
It’s not shooting, standing here for show off


ic3peak marching
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