Hooverphonic Uptight

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Hooverphonic Uptight I testi

Start to stutter
When I think I care too much
You know I mumble
While I try to get in touch
Spill my tonic
Every time I get too much
I just panic
When I start to get in touch, oh
Why why why why
Am I way too straight?
Am I always late? You know
Why why why why
Did I end up on
This disastrous state, you know
Real love makes me feel too
Whenever I'm with you I'm
You love make me feel so
I'm just scared for you
There are crazy things that
I will surely regret
When I'm uptight next to you
And the closer you get
Yes, the more I'm upset
Getting uptight next to you
Start to sweat
When I think I care too much
Smelling bad
While I try to get in touch
Running fast
From the fact I care too much
Getting up
When I start to get in touch, oh
Why why why why
Am I way too straight?
Am I always late? You know
Why why why why
Did I end up on
This disastrous state, you know
Real love makes me feel too
Whenever I'm with you I'm
You love make me feel so
I'm just scared for you
There are crazy things that
I will surely regret
When I'm uptight next to you
And the closer you get
Yes, the more I'm upset
Getting uptight next to you
Count every damn minute
Count every damn day
Baby can't we admit it
The pressure gets hard, I'm going down
Count every damn minute
Count every damn day
Baby can't we admit it
The pressure gets hard, I'm going down
Real love makes me feel too
Whenever I'm with you I'm
You love make me feel so
I'm just scared for you
There are crazy things that
I will surely regret
When I'm uptight next to you
And the closer you get
Yes, the more I'm upset
Getting uptight next to you


hooverphonic uptight
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