Hadise I'll try not to cry

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I'll try not to cryHadise

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Tempo: 03:03 Dimensioni:: 2.80 Mb Download: 3 Viste: 99


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Hadise I'll try not to cry I testi

Hadise - I'll try not to cry Sözleri

[Verse 1]

Please don’t stare too much, it’s so revealin'

Just one secret touch could cut my feelings

Just one stolen kiss might change my mind

We knew we had to end this crazy story

Can we still be friends? Will we be sorry?

There’s no easy way when love’s unkind


I’ll try not to cry

As I say goodbye to you

I’ll try not to cry

'Cause I cannot hide the truth

I’ll try not to cry

As I say goodbye to you

It’s so hard to tell you - it is farewell

[Verse 2]

You won’t see a tear

It’s only raindrops

I’ll conceal my fear

Until the pain stops

Hold me in your arms

Just one last time, yeah


I’ll try not to cry

As I say goodbye to you

I’ll try not to cry

'Cause I cannot hide the truth

I’ll try not to cry

As I say goodbye to you

It’s so hard to tell you - it is farewell

Farewell, farewell, farewell


I’ll try not to cry

I’ll try not to cry

I’ll try not to cry

As I say goodbye to you

It’s so hard to tell you - it is farewell


hadise ill try not cry
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