Hadise Good Morning Baby

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Good Morning BabyHadise

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Tempo: 04:18 Dimensioni:: 3.96 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 93


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Hadise Good Morning Baby Şarkı Sözleri

Stared at your face on the pillow
Listening to the ways of your slumber
To watch you sleep is a dream
No doubts will come and ponder
Over the rippled cheets you’re lying there so peacefully
I wish each day a new to wake up next to you
Good morning baby
Did you sleep okay
Let’s not leave our bed for the whole day
Last night I was afraid threat you wouldn’t stay
Good morning baby it’s a lovely day
Face to face in the morning my first hello is to you
Your drowsy smile and wrinkled eyes will get me in the mood
Slept like a newborn baby with my baby next to me
Coiled up into his arms there’s no where I would rather be
Over the rippled cheets you’re lying there so peacefully
I wish each day a new to wake up next to you
Good morning baby
Did you sleep okay
Let’s not leave our bed for the whole day
Last night I was afraid threat you wouldn’t stay
Good morning baby it’s a lovely day
Ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah…


hadise good morning baby
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