Hadise Creep

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Tempo: 03:44 Dimensioni:: 3.44 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 4



Hadise Creep I testi

Don't forget I won't forgive

All you've done for as long as I live

You'll be on top of my black list

You'll be there tired of my face

'Cause I know violence is not my language

I can imagine you in handcuffs

With a scar up on my soul

I could push you like a fly on the wall

... is to held enough

But the way you player make me though

Now I just wanted to be clear

I never ever ever want you near

'Cause you're not a soulmate

That's such a mistake

You really thought you could infiltrate

The integrity of my soul

... dreaming you couldn't take control

You know this song is about you

Bet you're even proud to

See that you've been so cruel

Been helpless for a while

Had sadness in my smile

And you thought that was cool

You fool


hadise creep
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