Hadise Aint Doing It Right

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Aint Doing It RightHadise

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Hadise Aint Doing It Right I testi

Zip your thoughts for a while

Stop thinking where you headed

Cause there’s no short cut to my bed

Don’t lean back with a sigh

Just get into the romance of the thing

Let’s take it easy for a while

It never feels right when the timing is wrong

‘Cause I don’t need attention with intention

Don’t grow sex on my face, go slow if this is your pace

You ain’t doing it right

Don’t throw sex on my face, oh no time ain’t a waste

If you are doing it right

Your eyes keep wondering off

Your mouth hasn’t spoken enough

You’ve quenched my lust with your flapping tongue

Wait a while before you go there

Let’s take it easy for a while

Don’t grow sex on my face, go slow if this is your pace

You ain’t doing it right

Don’t throw sex on my face, oh no time ain’t a waste

If you are doing it right

Oh no no

Oh ah, ooh ah yeah

It never feels right when the timing is wrong

‘Cause I don’t need attention with intention

No no no no no no no no

Don’t grow sex on my face, go slow if this is your pace

You ain’t doing it right (Oh baby go slowly)

Don’t throw sex on my face, oh no time ain’t a waste

If you are doing it right

Don’t grow sex on my face, go slow if this is your pace

You ain’t doing it right

Don’t throw sex on my face, oh no time ain’t a waste

If you are doing it right


hadise aint doing right
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