Gulcin Ergul Love On The Brain

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Love On The BrainGulcin Ergul

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Gulcin Ergul Love On The Brain I testi

And you got me like oh
What you want from me?
(What you want from me?)And tried to buy your pretty heart
But the price too high

Baby you got me like oh
You love when I fall apart
(Fall apart)
So you can put me together
And throw me against the wall

Baby you got me like ah, woo, ah
Don't you stop loving me
(Loving me) Don't quit loving me
(Loving me) Just start loving me
(Loving me)

Oh, and babe I'm fist fighting with fire
Just to get close to you
Can we burn something babe?
And I'll run for miles just to get a taste


gulcin ergul love the brain
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