Gregory Porter Ballerina

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BallerinaGregory Porter

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Gregory Porter Ballerina I testi

Dance, ballerina, dance
And do your pirouette in rhythm with your aching heart
Dance, ballerina, dance
You mustn't once forget the dancer has to dance the part
Whirl, ballerina, whirl
And just ignore the chair that's empty in the second row
This is your moment, girl
Although he's not out there applauding as you steal the show
Once you said his love must wait its turn
You wanted fame instead
I guess that's your concern
We live and learn
Now love is gone, ballerina, gone
So on with your career, you can't afford a backward glance
Dance on and on and on
A thousand people here have come to see the show
'Round and 'round you go
So ballerina, dance
Dance, dance
Once you said, oh, his love must wait its turn
You wanted fame instead
I guess that's your concern
We live and learn
Oh, love is gone, ballerina, gone
On with your career, you can't afford a backward glance
Dance on and on and on
A thousand people here have come to see the show
'Round and 'round you go
Ballerina, dance
Oh, dance


gregory porter ballerina
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