Gavin James Glow

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GlowGavin James

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Gavin James Glow I testi

I'm trying to keep my feelings close
But I miss you I suppose
It's from my fingers to our toes
There are secrets no one knows
It's just a disguise, a little white lie
Digging a hole to find out
Who am I behind your eyes?
Love, don't let me go
If you feel the glow, out from the cold
If you love me tell me so (Oh)
I double dare to say it first
The only thing we've never heard
I knew it from the day I met you
I'd hang on all your every word
I may not have much, but I have enough
So when you're alone do I cross your mind?
'Cause you're always in mine
Oh love, don't let me go
If you feel the glow, out from the cold
If you love me tell me so
There's a world outside that's waiting for you, oh
But no one can make your mind up for you
So who am I behind your eyes?
Love, don't let me go
If you feel the glow, out from the cold
If you love me, tell me so
Don't let me go
If you feel the glow, out from the cold
If you love me tell me so
(Don't you let me, don't you let me go, if you feel it)
If you love me tell me so
(Don't you let me, don't you let me go, if you feel it)
If you love me tell me so


gavin james glow
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