Gavin James Always

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AlwaysGavin James

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Gavin James Always I testi

What am I supposed to do without you?
Is it too late to pick the pieces up?
Too soon to let them go?
Do you feel damaged just like I do?
Your face, it makes my body ache
It won't leave me alone
And this feels like drowning
Trouble sleeping
Restless dreaming
You're in my head
Always, always
I just got scared
Away, away
I'd rather choke on my bad decisions
Then just carry them to my grave
You're in my head
Always, always, always
Cracks won't fix and the scars won't fade away
I guess I should get used to this
The left side of my bed's an empty space
I remember we were strangers
So tell me what's the difference
Between then and now
And why does this feel like drowning?
Trouble sleeping
Restless dreaming
You're in my head
Always, always
I just got scared
Away, away
I'd rather choke on my bad decisions
Then just carry them to my grave
You're in my head
Always, always, always
Always, always
You're in my head
Always, always
I just got scared
Away, away
I know there's nothing left to cling to
But I'm still calling out your name
You're in my head
Always, always, always
Always, always, always


gavin james always
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