Fritz Kalkbrenner Void (Remix)

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Void (Remix)Fritz Kalkbrenner

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Fritz Kalkbrenner Void (Remix) I testi

I miss those lights around town
Where have they all been gone?
When I had you deep within my sight
I didn't have enough to throw in
It's these writings on the wall that I can't follow
I see the signs of the times leaving me divide and hollow
Under a void sky, I'm laying myself down
Under a void sky, I'm coming around
Under a void sky, I tried to get by
Under a void sky, I'm going in to fly
Don't let me go down this road
Stop me from leaving
So I can save your life tonight
And we can call it even
I keep on marching if I can
Keep on crawling if I have to
But I keep on dancing
Out of the dark into the blue
Under a void sky, I'm laying myself down
Under a void sky, I'm coming around
Under a void sky, I tried to get by
Under a void sky, I'm going in to fly
Under a void sky, I'm laying myself down
Under a void sky, I'm coming around
Under a void sky, I tried to get by
Under a void sky, I'm going in to fly
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