Fritz Kalkbrenner One Of These Days

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One Of These DaysFritz Kalkbrenner

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Tempo: 03:56 Dimensioni:: 3.63 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 61


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Fritz Kalkbrenner One Of These Days I testi

It's got me looking like a runway
In these indecent times
What I'm holding in my bear hands
Ain't bringing me in line
And so I'm pushing my limits high
Trying to make a stand
Chase away the demons
And keep on holding to the end
It's one of these days, that make that way worth walking
It's one of these days, that make this life worth living
It's one of these days, that make that way worth walking
It's one of these days, that make this life worth living
And I'll stay bound to those might rivers
Cause they run like me
Within sight slightly shivers
Someone who's just like me
And I'm going to keep what I claim
Set the clock by now
As from here my heart is rising up
And my fears are tumbling down
It's one of these days, that make that way worth walking
It's one of these days, that make this life worth living
It's one of these days, that make that way worth walking
It's one of these days, that make this life worth living
It's one of these days, that make that way worth walking
It's one of these days, that make this life worth living
It's one of these days, that make that way worth walking
It's one of these days, that make this life worth living
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