Fritz Kalkbrenner Kings Queens

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Kings QueensFritz Kalkbrenner

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Tempo: 03:37 Dimensioni:: 3.33 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 77


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Fritz Kalkbrenner Kings Queens I testi

Kings and queens of broken homes
Built a shelter of sticks and stones
Crawling deep down and around
Where we found love after all
Kings and queens of broken homes
In a paradise built on hope
Lighting up below the ground
Where we found love after all
When the sun goes down we go up and away
When the sun goes down we're firing it up on our way
From the side of town we go up and we stray
When the sun goes down we'll be safe and sound
When the sun goes down
Kings and queens of broken homes
Built a shelter of sticks and stones
Crawling deep down and around
Where we found love after all
When the sun goes down we go up and away
When the sun goes down we're firing it up on our way
From the side of town we go up and we stray
When the sun goes down we'll be safe and sound
When the sun goes down
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