Fritz Kalkbrenner feat Paul-Sky and Sand

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feat Paul-Sky and SandFritz Kalkbrenner

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Fritz Kalkbrenner feat Paul-Sky and Sand I testi

In the nighttime
When the world is at it's rest
You will find me
In the place I know the best
Dancin', shoutin'
Flyin' to the moon
(you) don't have to worry
Cause I'll be come back soon
And we build up castles
In the sky and in the sand
Design our own world
Ain't nobody understand
I found myself alive
In the palm of your hand
As long as we are flyin'
All this world ain't got no end
In the daytime
You will find me by your side
Tryin' to do my best
And tryin' to make things right
When it all turns wrong
There's no fault but mine
But it won't hit hard
Cause you let me shine
And we build up castles
In the sky and in the sand
Design our own world
Ain't nobody understand
I found myself alive
In the palm of your hand
As long as we are flyin'
All this world ain't got no end
All this world ain't got no end
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