Evanescence Secret Door

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Secret DoorEvanescence

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Tempo: 03:53 Dimensioni:: 3.58 Mb Download: 0 Viste: 4



Evanescence Secret Door I testi

Turn out the lights

Feed the fire till my soul breathes free

My heart is high as the waves above meDon't need to understand

Too lost to lose

Don't fight my tears, cuz they feel so good

And I, I will remember how to fly

Unlock the heavens in my mind

Follow my love back through the same secret door

Look past the end

It's a dream, as it's always been

All life lives on if we've ever loved it

And I, I will remember how to fly

Unlock the heavens in my mind

Follow my love back through the same secret door

And I, I will remember how to fly

Unlock the heavens in my mind

Follow my love back through the same secret door


evanescence secret door
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