Enya Even In The Shadows

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Even In The ShadowsEnya

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Enya Even In The Shadows I testi

Even in the shadows
I turn around
To find you walk away
And even when I whisper
The winds will come
To steal the words I say
I could fall and keep on falling
I could call and keep on calling
Wonder why this love is over
Wonder why it's not forever
Even in the silence
I hear my heart
It's still a part of you
And even in the morning
When light has come
I don't know what to do
I could fall and keep on falling
I could call and keep on calling
Wonder why this love is over
Wonder why it's not forever
I could fall and keep on falling
I could call and keep on calling
Wonder why this love is over
Wonder why it's not forever
I could fall and keep on falling
I could call and keep on calling
Wonder why this love is over
Wonder why it's not forever
I could fall and keep on falling
I could call and keep on calling
Wonder why this love is over
Wonder why it's not forever


enya even the shadows
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