Emir Taha Huyu Suyu

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Huyu SuyuEmir Taha

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Tempo: 02:34 Dimensioni:: 2.36 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 9


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Emir Taha Huyu Suyu I testi

Huyu huyuma denk
Suyu suyuma denk
Oh you all through my veins
Oh you make me feel some way

Pure water with that flavor
Out singing in the rain
She returning all the favors
IOUs overpaid

I’m crossing your borderline
for the flower between your thighs
Two opposite worlds collide

Huyu huyuma denk
Suyu suyuma denk
Oh you all through my veins
Oh you make me feel some way

She come thru when she want to
Left her two shoes by the bathroom
Swap a hot tub for the deep blue
Face red like a beetroot

I’m crossing your borderline
for the flower between your thighs
Two opposite worlds collide

Şelaleler, geceden geceye dökülen x4

Huyu huyuma denk
Suyu suyuma denk
Oh you all through my veins
Oh you make me feel some way


emir taha huyu suyu
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