Emin Eminzada I Will Take Care of You Babe

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I Will Take Care of You BabeEmin Eminzada

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Emin Eminzada I Will Take Care of You Babe I testi

I remember each single corner where we kissed
I remember each single corner where I hold your hands
I got crazy when you said: “I will take care of you babe”
Cause it warmed by heart so fast that I started to dream
Of having a big family.
That day and smell, those eyes and touchings will
Live in my heart forever and I call them my lifetime memories
Sadly, you are not in love with me after the date.
Like I wasn’t in love before but now I am oh oh.
Even if it was for a day I wouldn’t forget these priceless emotions
And even if it could happen again I would never forget first meetings memories.
I got crazy when you said: “I will take care of you babe”
Cause it warmed by heart so fast that I started to dream
Of having a big family
That day and smell, those eyes and touchings will
Live in my heart forever and I call them my lifetime memories
Sadly, you are not in love with me after the date.
Like I wasn’t in love before but now I am oh oh.
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