Ed Sheeran Firefly

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FireflyEd Sheeran

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Ed Sheeran Firefly I testi

I fell in love next to you
Burning fires in this room
It just fits, light and smooth
Like my feet in my shoes
Little one, lie with me
Sew you heart to my sleeve
We'll stay quiet underneath
Shooting stars if it helps you sleep
And hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe
There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes
There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes
Teach my skin those new tricks
Warm me up with your lips
Heart to heart, melt me down
It's too cold in this town
Close your eyes, lean on me
Face to mouth, lips to cheek
Feeling numb in my feet
You're the one
To help me get to sleep
And hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe
There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes
There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes
It's only been one night of love
And maybe that is not enough
Hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe
It's only been one night of love
And maybe that is not enough
Hold me tight, don't let me breathe
Feeling like you won't believe
There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes
There's a firefly loose tonight
Better catch it before it burns this place down
And I lie if I don't feel so right
But the world looks better through your eyes


sheeran firefly
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