Don Toliver Diva

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Don Toliver Diva I testi

You, player, player

Player, player

I know she's a bad lil' diva

Lurks outside, she has no reason

Take your cash and swipe your Visa

Strip club poppin', she naked for the evening

New Chanel poppin', she got the latest season

White on white, she sexy for the weekend

I know she's a bad lil' diva

Lurks outside, she has no reason

Take your cash and swipe your Visa

Strip club poppin', she naked for the evening

New Chanel poppin', she got the latest season

White on white, she sexy for the weekend

It's a set up, keep your head up

Shawty got her edges, she keep her hair done

Pull up in a wrecked whip, it's a red one

She don't do no friendships, she gon' take some

But she do the benefits, if she make some

Yeah lil' shawty innocent, 'til she takes some

Beatin' down her…


don toliver diva
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