Desiigner Up

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Desiigner Up I testi


Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club upTear da club up, nigga, tear da club up
Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up
Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up

I been riding through the city
They tryna fuck my night up
A lot of shit that I hold down
It's time that I bring right up
I'ma get rich, get rich
And I'ma live it right up
It's a lot of shit that I hold down
I'ma bring it right up
They tryna fuck ya night up, I live it right up
I get it right up, I Iive it right up
I hold shit down, but pick it right up
Cause I live right up, I get it night up
I'ma get rich, get rich
Cause niggas living like us
I said, "Time to hold shit down"
But they gon' fuck the night up

Right up, right up
Pipe up, pipes up
Skype's up, sky's up
I see starts at no limit
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm moving right up
Hold on, they can't stop us

I been riding through the city
They tryna fuck my night up
A lot of shit that I hold down
It's time that I bring right up
I'ma get rich, get rich
And I'ma live it right up
It's a lot of shit that I hold down
I'ma bring it right up
They tryna fuck ya night up, I live it right up
I get it right up, I Iive it right up
I hold shit down, but pick it right up
Cause I live right up, I get it night up
I'ma get rich, get rich
Cause niggas living like us
I said, "Time to hold shit down"
But they gon' fuck the night up

I roll different
I stroll different
I keep it on me different
Yeah I pose different
My time lavish, my time lavish
Ms. Jackson, Tom Braxton
Super savage, super savage
Champion, I was there again
Time is one, living fun
Number 1

I been riding through the city
They tryna fuck my night up
A lot of shit that I hold down
It's time that I bring right up
I'ma get rich, get rich
And I'ma live it right up
It's a lot of shit that I hold down
I'ma bring it right up
They tryna fuck ya night up, I live it right up
I get it right up, I Iive it right up
I hold shit down, but pick it right up
Cause I live right up, I get it night up
I'ma get rich, get rich
Cause niggas living like us
I said, "Time to hold shit down"
But they gon' fuck the night up

Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up
Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up
Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up
Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up


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