Darin Playing With Fire

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Playing With FireDarin

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Tempo: 03:27 Dimensioni:: 3.17 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 6



Darin Playing With Fire I testi

I wait I turn
Things are heating up
But i keep looking at her
I see your curves
We don't need no water
We can just let it burn
Is it me or is it getting hot in here
You keep touching on me
But i don't care
This ain't where you want me
I want you yeah
You'll see tonight
We'll leave tonight
You'll fall tonight
Yeah i can feel it heating up
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
I can feel it heating up
I can make you fall in love
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
The nerve of me
To want your body all over me
Gimmie the third
Baby i can't wait to see
Is it me or is it getting hot in here
You keep touching on me
But i don't care
This ain't where you want me
I want you yeah
You'll see tonight
We'll leave tonight
You'll fall tonight
Yeah i can feel it heating up
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
I can feel it heating up
I can make you fall in love
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
Is it me or is it getting hot in here
I can feel it heating up
I can make you fall in love
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
I can feel it heating up
I can make you fall in love
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire
You keep playing with fire


darin playing with fire
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