Darin F Your Love

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F Your LoveDarin

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Tempo: 04:01 Dimensioni:: 3.70 Mb Download: 1 Viste: 6



Darin F Your Love I testi

This is my last goodbye
The writing's on the wall
Wish I could go back in time
And wipe all your kisses off
'Cause you weren't satisfied
And you cheated on my heart
You wanted a valentine
Oh baby, this is yours
Here it goes
So now I think it's 'bout that time
I couldn't see them coming down my eyes
And so I had to make you cry
Here it goes
Baby, it happens to everyone
And this is the hardest part
I told you I'd never break your heart
But you would've never thought
I'd become your enemy
And we would break up
I know it's easier said than done
But I'm saying F your love
F your love
I'm saying F your love
F your love
You wanted to run and hide
And hang up on my calls
So I had to improvise
And put this in a song
No need to apologise
Because you did me wrong
Baby, I'm sure you'll be just fine
After I show you who's the boss
Here it goes
So now I think it's 'bout that time
I couldn't see them coming down my eyes
And so I had to make you cry
Here it goes
Baby, it happens to everyone
And this is the hardest part
I told you I'd never break your heart
But you would've never thought
I'd become your enemy
And we would break up
I know it's easier said than done
But I'm saying F your love
F your love
I'm saying F your love
F your love
So now I think it's 'bout that time
I couldn't see them coming down my eyes
And so I had to make you cry
And so I had to make you cry
And so I had to make you cry, here it goes
Baby, it happens to everyone
And this is the hardest part
I told you I'd never break your heart
But you would've never thought
I'd become your enemy
And we would break up
I know it's easier said than done
But I'm saying F your love
F your love
I'm saying F your love
F your love


darin your love
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