Claptone Wildside (feat Matt Simons)

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Wildside (feat Matt Simons)Claptone

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Claptone Wildside (feat Matt Simons) I testi

I see an ocean of green

When you look into my eyes

Make it so I'll never leave

When you wake up on the wildside

I've really come around to you

I've really come around to you

Do anything you want me to

I've really come around to you

You've got a hold on me

I feel your body taking over me

The kinda crazy like an enemy

You lock me up so there's no way out

When your love comes down

You've got a hold on me

I feel your body taking over me

The kinda crazy like an enemy

You lock me up so there's no way out

When your love comes down

I see an ocean of green

What a sight for my sore eyes

Empty emotionally

So wake me up on the wildside

I've really come around to you

I've really come around to you

Do anything you want me to

I've really…
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