Christina Aguilera Make The World Move

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Make The World MoveChristina Aguilera

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Christina Aguilera Make The World Move I testi

If one smile could erase a frown
Imagine what two could do (turn it up)
And if one voice could change a heart
Imagine what two could do (turn it up hey)
The time is now
No time to wait
Turn up the love
Turn down the hate
Turn up the love
Turn down the hate (hey)
Keep dancing too let the record play
The time is now
No need to wait
Turn up the love say 'cause I'm free
No time to wait (hey)
Make the world move
Come on and make the world move
Spinning faster
Round and round
Let me hear that future sound
If you and I can compromise
Imagine what a few could do turn it up (yeah)
Don't listen to the point of view
And haters ain't fooling you turn it up
The time is now
No time to wait
Turn up the love
Turn down the hate
Turn up the love
Turn down the hate (hey)
Keep dancing too let the record play
The time is now
No need to wait
Turn up the love say 'cause I'm free
No time to wait (hey)
Make the world move
Come on and make the world move
Spinning faster
Round and round
Let me hear that future sound
Starts with me and you
Make the world move
Just think about it
You love somebody oh oh oh
'Cause if anybody
Can love somebody
So can everybody oh oh oh
I may need somebody
To help somebody
Do ya need somebody
The time is now
No time to wait
Turn up the love
Turn down the hate
Turn up the love
Turn up the love
Turn up the love (yeah)
Make the world move
Come on and make the world move
Spinning faster round and round
Let me hear that future sound
Starts with me and you
Make the world move
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